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Senior Software Engineer (Infrastructure)

  • Remote
    • Remote, Zug, Switzerland
  • $100,000 - $140,000 per year
  • Engineering
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Please fill in additional questions

About the cover letter

For this role we receive more applications than we can interview, so we prefer to interview candidates who show genuine interest in the role and Chorus One. Please take a minute to write in your own words why you are applying at Chorus One in particular. It doen’t have to be long or formal; three short sentences can give us a much stronger signal than three paragraphs of fluff copied from ChatGPT.

About the screening questions

At Chorus One, we expect all of our Engineers to have certain fundamental knowledge about operating systems and networking. The popularization of the cloud has meant that many engineers have never worked with the internals of operating systems and networks. We are committed to onboard engineers who have exceptional knowledge of these topics. The questions below are framed from the perspective of a Platforms / Infra Software Engineering role. Please answer the questions using less than 800 words in total. There is no constraint on the format, it can be bullet points or sentences.

Your responses to these questions are the first screening stage, and we read them thoroughly to assess your application. Please do not paste ChatGPT’s answer to these questions, we are interested in you and your personal experience and opinions.